Free Digital Marketing Resources

The Digital Compass Ecosystem Ebook

Your trail guide to a Successful Digital marketing strategy

What do you need to have a successful Digital marketing strategy?

You have a website, you post sporadically on social media and you might send the occasional email, but you know something is missing. 

and you’d be right!

If you are looking to up skill your Digital Marketing Knowledge, then grab a copy of our eBook  – The Digital Ecosystem and learn the key elements of WEB, SOCIAL , CONTENT & SEARCH that any B2B business needs to have.

Get clear on where you need to be heading with your digital marketing. 

Fill in your details below to grab your copy of our Digital Ecosystem Guidebook and learn what’s missing from your digital marketing stack and the simple steps you can take to fill those gaps.

Brand Elements Checklist - Portrait

What the font? You need a brand kit!

What’s a brand kit?

It’s simple really, it’s all the elements that you need to present a consistent look and style across every touch point in your business.

If you have ever struggled to know what your standard font is, colour is or even have the right logo on hand to give to a printer, this checklist will help you get organised!

From having a consistent style inside your social media, to ensuring that you nail the language of your business every single time you write something ( or you ask someone else to write something for you ) this checklist will be a lifesaver.

Get your copy below now!

What's new with CANVA?

Exclusive Masterclass

October 19th at 12pm AEST

Where would we be without Canva? 

If you’re not using CANVA in your business then I am not sure where you have been!

So much as changed over the last 7 years and their vision for the future only continues to get bigger! Last month Canva had a significant worldwide launch and announced a swag of new features and a road map for where they want to go. 

So it is timely that this month’s masterclass is with Jo Draper – CANVA Expert. Jo runs a graphic design firm that specialises in branding, content & document creation services that centres around her expertise in CANVA. 

In this webinar she will be focussed on showcasing just some of these new features as well as some insider hacks you may not be aware of. 

This is aimed at Intermediate users ( ie people who have been using CANVA for some time and what to enhance what they do and step up their presentation skills)

Book your spot for Wednesday 19th October below now!

Kaity Griffin - Google Ads for Beginners

Exclusive Masterclass

Wednesday, 15th November at 12.00pm AEDT

Getting Started with Google Ads

Where do you start with such a big topic? You start with Kaity Griffin!

Kaity is a Google Ads Specialist, and like many of us, she has a love/hate relationship with Google Ads. What she loves about Google Ads is that it gives businesses a way to get in front of customers actively looking for what you sell with speed, ease and accuracy.

Kaity is a Google Ads educator and an expert practitioner who has created and managed ads for her own e-commerce business, as well as for well-known brands including Showpo, Spell, Swimwear Galore and Brian Tracy.

If you believe your business could benefit from running Google Ads, but are unsure where or how to start, this is the place!

Secure your spot in my November webinar now – places are strictly limited!

Facebook and Instagram Ads: From meh to amazing!

Exclusive Masterclass

Thursday, 7th December at 12.00pm AEDT

Are you ready to turn your scrolls into sales and your likes into leads?

Join me for an exclusive webinar: Facebook & Instagram Ads – From Meh to Amazing!

Here’s why you shouldn’t miss out:

  • Discover the strategies that transformed Casey’s business and many other businesses she now works with to grow sales via paid social ads.
  • Identify the Facebook and Instagram ad fundamentals that your business needs to have in place
  • Learn critical first steps and proven techniques that can drive growth for your business.
  • Gain insights into how to let your brand shine and resonate with your audience, making every ad dollar count.

So many business owners tell me Facebook doesn’t work for them. 

I say this: Yes, it does – you’re just doing it wrong!

Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur, a start-up, or running a female-led e-commerce lifestyle brand, this webinar is tailored for you.

✨ Save your spot now! Limited seats are available for an intimate session with value, real-life insights, and actionable tips.

Tracey Sheen - ChatGPT

Tracy Sheen - Chat GPT and AI - An Introduction

Exclusive Masterclass

Wednesday, 11th October at 12.30pm AEST

Chat GPT – Friend or Foe?

In this webinar, Tracy Sheen will be outlining some key AI tools that you may not have heard of and how you can use them in your business right now. 

and yes of course she will be talking about the one we ALL have heard about – Chat GPT with some tips for how to leverage it within your business. 

Tracy is a past Australian Business Book of the Year winner with her book – The end of Technophobia and regularly appears on Kochie’s Business Builders as well as travelling Australia educating business owners on how to digitize their business!

This webinar is perfect for anyone looking to dip their toe in the muddy waters of AI. 

It’s here, it’s growing and it’s not going to take your job ( just yet 😉)

Secure your spot in my October webinar now – places strictly limited!

Want to get started but aren't sure how?

Book a FREE 20 minute Discovery Session, to discuss your business needs.