SEO Audit & Action Plans

Rank better inside Search Engines with our comprehensive SEO Audit Review and Report.
Be found by more people when they are searching for you!

SEO Audits

Looking for simple SEO ideas that can improve your website ranking?

Of course you do, BUT who has time to do that research yourself? 

Even seasoned marketers will often seek to outsource their search engine optimisation work to a fresh pair of eyes. 

Our SEO audits will provide you with both a technical and content analysis of your site with recommendations that you can undertake yourself, or we can then implement on your behalf. 

Normal turnaround time on these reports is approximately 2 weeks depending on the complexity of your site and the clarity you can provide to us regarding your business. 

Comprehensive review of all pages at your website

Our reporting tool will go deep into your site architecture and review all current pages and provide a detailed report of what is happening right now. We will look at both technical & on page areas.

Identify Actions or Errors that need immediate attention

Our report will also provide a list of items that need immediate attention by you or your team to ensure better rankings, quickly. This could mean page speed, missing meta data or craw-ability.

Identify areas for future improvement

We will also provide a list of our recommendations for future improvements for your site, including keyword & phrase suggestions, content enhancements and structural changes.

Benchmark your rankings and understand competitors

Our tool of choice when undertaking an SEO audit is SEMRUSH.

But we also will need access to your

  • Google Analytics Account
  • Google Search Console & we will also conduct some speed tests using Google Page Speed Insights
Plus we will need you to tell us who your competitors are and we will then also see who we can discover as standouts in your market. We also will ask you to tell us what you want to be known for and more importantly found for. 
This then allows us to do the following
  1. Review your site for any indexing issues
  2. Review your site for potential speed or mobile use issues
  3. Identify basic SEO red flags – i.e missing page titles, meta data, heading styles and duplicate information
  4. Identify what you are currently ranking for and where
  5. Review your site for any potential on-page SEO issues
  6. Review your site from a UX perspective, especially on mobile

In this part of the process, we will identify any changes that you can implement quickly to make a real difference at your site. 

This will include things like

  • Identifying any broken links
  • Making sure your site map is setup and syncing correctly
  • Ensure all your redirects work as they should
  • Making sure that you don’t have any toxic backlinks impacting your site ranking
  • Identifying any images that need to be optimised to increase page load speeds markedly
Often we may notice that your site is missing an SSL certificate, which straight away is a very fast issue to rectify and makes a huge difference to your site. 


Our quick wins are usually those items that you can change yourself without our help, or with minimal assistance from us. 

Click here to get started now

Identify some Quick Wins

Reviewing your Site Content via an Audit

Sometimes SEO issues are not so much technical, but more content related. 

For example, if you want to be known for selling kit homes, but you only talk about building homes, then don’t be surprised when you don’t rank for kit homes. 

As part of the content audit phase of our SEO reports we will 

  • Identify any duplicate content issues
  • Identify those pages with too little content on them
  • Provide you with a spreadsheet that showcases your current site meta data in full – ( Page Title, Page Description, URL, Page Name, H1, H2 etc usage) with recommendations for changes based on your existing content.
  • Recommend content changes based on those key messages/products & services that you want to be known for. 
All our Digital marketing plans include a component of regular SEO reviews and tweaking to improve page rank for identified pages/search phrases for your business. 


Before you go..

Download Our Free SEO Maintenance Guide

We believe this handy little resource will be an important tool for your business!

We wanted to let you know – this guidebook is specifically designed to help you maintain your already existing, well researched strategy. It is a way for you to stay on top of your game – and continue to grow.

Request Your SEO Audit Now!

We’d love to chat to you about how we can help